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Compatibility Matrix

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Click to see how compatible you and your partner are.

Download as PDF (Colorprint):  CompatibilityMatrix

Download entire description on each combination Here!

Note that all colors from Infrared to Green are relationships which are difficult, impossible, unrealistic or unattractive. Only the four upper right squares can offer relationships tha actually works. 4 out of 64!

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It is the same as 1 out of sixteen! Note that Alpha males get their Alpha status (primordial power) from the Red and the Amber level and Beta males (the feminine man) has areas where his Red power is blocked. Alpha females are located at Orange and Green from where they get their power. Remember you can have different colors in different areas. Martin Ucik/Ken Wilber describes six main areas:

  • Cognition
  • Identity
  • Consciousness
  • Values
  • Moral
  • Faith

If you know which color you and your partner are click on your combination and read more about your particular relationship. Below are the colors/levels described in general terms. Note that this is an evolutionary model and if you are mostly Green you normally master the levels below where as the higher levels still are unconscious.

It is possible though to have lower levels that aren’t fully up to date. E. G. green men need to work a lot on the Red level at some point to get their power back in order to rise to the Teal level. Green women are missing their female power from the Red or the Amber level – if they dream about being taken by a prince on a white steed or being blown away by a powerful, handsome man – which only a Red alpha male can do, they need to wake more up to the Orange level and learn to be realistic in order to rise to the Teal level.

The colours are divided into 2 groups which describes 2 different operating modes of consciousness in being, thinking, feeling and acting.

1. Tier consciousness (divided consciousness): Infrared, Magenta, Red, Amber, Orange and Green.
This group of people have only partially developed their consciousness.  This means they are divided into what they believe they are and what they believe they are not. This results in indifference, projection, denial, and placing guilt outside one self. Our male leaders are Orange and our female leaders are Orange an Green.

Infidelity is very present in 1. tier consciousness. Mostly at the lower stages and much less at Green stage.

2. Tier consciousness (non divided consciousness): Teal and Turqoise.
This group of people has been through all the levels which means all major parts of their unconsciousness has surfaced. They are healed to a greater extent than the first group. These people know themselves a lot better and tend to become more responsible. These people work, think, and feel in a greater interest than on a personal level. They are not controlled by the Shadow (fear or anxiety). Our future leaders will emerge from these levels. People on these levels are often accused of being naive as their values and moral comes directly from the heart, but when we look at where these accusations comes from – Red, Amber, Orange og Green, it becomes clear that these people does not know what they are talking about as they have no or only little contact with the Teal level – The Heart. Instead of raising them selves to the next level, they are trying to pull the next level down to where they are and then the greater qualities are lost! You have to grow to learn. So who is naiv here?

1. Infrared – Instinctive

  • Sexuality: Survival. The mans main contribution to evolution is semen.
  • Falling in love/turning on: Instinctively lust based on the reptilian brains ability to determine the immune defense of the partner based on pheromones. If the partner has an immune defense that is very different from ones own they will experience a lot of attraction. If the partner has an immun defense identically to ones own they will not experience attraction.
  • Strengths: Great instincts.
  • Weaknesses: Pure survival, exploitation of each other.
  • Examples: Selfcentrered, lustbased, me, me and me..
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  Conception –> 1 yr.  
  • Evolutionary level: Infrared level started approximately 50.000 years ago.
  • Most active brain: The reptilian brain.
  • Values: Survival. 
  • Needs: food, water, warmth, sex, and safety.
  • Motivation: Driven by instincts.
  • Other characteristics: Life/death. If this is the only level developed it corresponds to Alzheimers.
  • Approximately 1% of US adult population.  

2. Magenta – Instinctive – Magical

  • Sexuality: Survival and genetically immortality are the biggest factors in red sexuality. Completely unconscious of course. 
  • Falling in love/turning on: Instinctivily lust – chemistry! 
  • Strengths: Sharp senses, close contact to nature, supernatural powers.
  • Weaknesses: Excessive worship of holy places, rituals, spirits.
  • Examples: Clans, street gangs, sportsteams, cults, tribes, shamans.
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed: 1 -2 yrs.
  • Evolutionary level: 10.000 to 50.000 years ago.  
  • Most active brain: Reptilian brain.
  • Values: Survival 
  • Needs: Safety and security through groups/tribes.
  • Motivation: Driven by instincts.
  • Other characteristics: Safety/danger. Survival based on groups, tribes and families. Fight/flight. 
  • Approximately 1% of US adult population.  

3. Red – Egocentered

  • Sexuality: Sex is used to get temporary relief.  
  • Falling in love/turning on: Very projective. Happiness is dependent on a partner. You first see your positive projections in a partner, later on also the negative. The partner is expected to bring happiness! Infatuation! People talk about ‘cconnection’ when they unconsciously make this deal regarding mutual satisfaction of needs. This is the bad boy/nice girl stage. 
  • Strengths: Power, independence, autonomy – often too much. Creativity, spontaneity, innovation, originality, emotional, carefree, alive, dominant. 
  • Weaknesses: Stubbornness, control. Quick satisfaction through sex, drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling. Street gangs, narcisism, pimp/whore relation. Short-term actions.
  • Examples: Rambo, Terminator, Hitler. 
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  1-3 yrs – mom and dad are supposed to make me feel accepted. 
  • Evolutionary level:  5.000-10.000 years ago. 
  • Most active brain: Limbic brain.
  • Values: Ego, Power and action.
  • Motivation: Driven by unconscíous needs.
  • Other characteristics: Good/bad. The Red world is a jungle and only the strongest (most fit!) survives.
  • Approximately 20% of US adult population.  

4. Amber – Mythic

  • Sexuality: Dominance/dominated. Passion.
    Falling in love/turning on:  Her: Romantic. The collective prinsess dream (4-15 yr. age) about Prins Charming. He has to sweep her off her feet, take her by storm. Bad Boy Alpha male and dominant. Woman = innocent/shy. 
  • Strengths: Stability, security, order, organisation. 
  • Weaknesses: Dogmatic, intolerant, oppressive, irrational.
  • Examples: Columbus. Conqueror or gang leader. Hierarchical structures such as military, government, patriarchal family structures and many businesses.
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  Approximately 4-15 yr.
  • Evolutionary level: Started approximately 5000 years ago.
  • Most active brain:  Limbic brain.
  • Values:  Family structures, party structures, stability, purpose, fundamentalist churches, hierarchy, law and order.
  • Motivation: Driven by unconscíous needs.
  • Other characteristics: True/false.
  • Approximately 40% of US adult population.  

5. Orange – Rational

  • Sexuality: Traditional (boring I might add) sex.
  • Falling in love/turning on: Orange has more common sence which balances emotions and instincts. Man: Provider. Woman: Also provider. Women are getting more masculine. Women usually need sex before opening and falling in love.
  • Strengths: Efficiency, positive thinking, visionary, strategic planning, innovation, facts. Objectives are more long-term. Orange men are popular. Their Facebook wall are filled with posts from men as well as women. Happy days and love to party, but can’t handle bad days. Often very well paid jobs. Orange man is often center of the party. He is the one buying drinks to his friends. He is generous, because he needs friends around him. If a woman becomes emotional he wouldn’t know what to do.
  • Weaknesses: The end justifies the means, Orange can be cold-hearted. Does not want to appear weak. Does not understand the feminine. Orange men does not voluntarily evolve to Green because that means no more masculine power, no more popularity and probably much lower income because of lower power. The transition to Green is more difficult than between the other stages because he goes from masculine to feminine. Most male politicians are Orange. Does usually not care much about people outside his circles.
  • Examples: Bill Gates, Einstein, Donald Trump, Obama. Wall Street, fashion industry.
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  Approximately  15-25 yr.
  • Evolutionary level:  Started approximately  300 years ago.
  • Most active brain:  The cerebrum – Neo Cortex. 
  • Values: The possibilities are endless, success, autonomy, the individual is at the center.
  • Motivation: Driven by control.
  • Other characteristics:  Win/lose. Competitive and willing to take risks. Primarily interested in their own success and gains.
  • Approximately 25% of US adult population.  

6. Green – Pluralistic

  • Sexuality: As men has become feminine and women has become masculine, here are some big challenges. Commitment – You expect and demand fidelity. Impotence, erectile dysfunction, præmature ejaculation are challenges for Green men. It will most likely pass when he transcends to Teal. Green men can feel castrated by women as they very often will be more masculine than him. Green man is learning what feminity is which means he will become more sensitive and a much better lover! Much better than Orange, Amber and Red. Green women will often be prisoners of their mind during sex – thinking too much. They can have a hard time being present in the body.
  • Falling in love/turning on: Green men has a big capacity for love, it is easy to fall in love head over heels, but they will most likely not be powerful enough to do something about it. Green men tend to ‘fall a sleep’ in relationships. Many Green men have the same dream as Amber woman: To be “swept off their feet”. Women usually need sex before opening and falling in love.
  • Strengths: Affection, care, idealism, sensitivity.
  • Weaknesses: Arrogance, less grounded.
  • Examples: GreenPeace, Amnesty International, Doctors without borders.
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  Midlife (Lebenswende).
  • Evolutionary level:  Started approximately 100 years ago but peaked in the sixties during the women’s movement.
  • Most active brain: The cerebrum – Neo Cortex. 
  • Values:  Animal welfare, environment, ecology, freedom, equality, brotherhood, humanism.
  • Motivation: Driven by need to be whole which leads to identity confusion.
  • Other characteristics:  Sensitive/indifferent.
  • Approximately 10% of US adult population.  

7. Teal – Integral

  • Sexuality: Starting experimenting tantric relations.
  • Forelskelse/tænding: Can be deep and overwhelming, but the masculine counter weight can handle it. Presence and purpose. More realistic.
  • Falling in love/turning on:  Heart and Prescense.
  • Strengths: Selfimprovement, emerging self-awareness, can easily connect to all other ‘colors’. Breaking all the self-created dramas.
  • Weaknesses: Easily feel alone.
  • Examples: People who have taken selfimprovement and meditation seriously for a long time.
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  From Approximately 35-45.
  • Evolutionary level:  Started in the  seventies.
  • Most active brain: The Fourth Brain – The frontal lobes.
  • Values:  Love, community, heart, compassion, affection, dedication, friendlyness, gratefulness, responsibility, flexibility, spontaneity.
  • Motivation: Driven by hearts desire.
  • Other characteristics: Integral/partial. The lower six colors are characterized by separation and division. Teal is the first stage characterized by wholeness. Teal understands the value of taking responsibility for ones own projections and thus become more whole human beings.
  • <3% of US adult population.  

8. Turqoise – Transpersonal

  • Sexuality: Advanced tantra. Energy is recycled in the body and channeled into spirituality and transformed to love. Mans contribution to evolution is his purpose.
  • Falling in love/turning on: Presence and purpose.
  • Strengths: Fredom, wisdom, unprejudiced, accept, proactive, insight, unattachment. Wholeness is in focus in stead of  ego.
  • Weaknesses: Inflation!
  • Examples: Dalai Lama, Ken Wilber
  • Psychological age – the level on which the attributes of this color is developed:  +45
  • Evolutionary level:  Starting now.
  • Most active brain:  All the brains.
  • Values: Existential freedom, wholeness.
  • Motivation: Driven by purpose.
  • Other characteristics: Wisdom, compassion, global harmony, renewal, holistic, everything is connected. Being as well as doing. Much more realism.
  • Approximately 1% of US adult population.  

Learn more here.

Compatibility Matrix.